Sunday, February 26, 2012

Who was King Philip?

I was born in the year 1638 either in the Massachusetts area or Rhode Island, but I really cannot say.  I am the second son of Chief Massaoit many may know me as Metacomet and Philip of Pokanoket and the leader of Wampanoag Confederacy in 1662. I married my lovely Indian wife Wootonekanuske who was born in Pocasset, Massachusetts.  Together we have made a family having several sons and daughters who people cannot seem to know the actual amount that my wife and I had.  It was a rough year when I had to bury my son on April 1, 1671 and when my wife and other 9 year old son were captured and sold into slavery in the West Indies. One event that I say that I am proud of is that my daughter Lucy managed to get away to Canada. Once my fathered died in 1661 and my oldest brother in 1662 I became “chief of the Wampanoag Confederacy as Wamsutta was laid to rest.” I have seen so many disease take ahold of my father and brother and it was so unreal that that several things had to be questioned as to “if not intentionally poisoned as the Indians believed, at least from disease contracted when Wamsutta was summoned before colonist officials for questioning.”
While being the new Chief of the Wampanoag tribe it was a little uneasy because there were rumors that had been circulating around. Two of my men were put on to trail for the murder on John Sassamon.   The trial was held and they found my men to be guilty and on June 8, 1675 the men executed.  With all of the turmoil that was going on between the English and my tribe what came into existence was known as King Philip’s War. Here is a link that will better help explain the war and how it became to be.  The War began June 1675 with us attacking the English settlers first. With the War ending in August of 1676, food was becoming scares so many of my relatives, my wife, son and I returned back to New Hope.  Once the War was over the aftermath was that, “Members of the Wampanoag, Nipmuc and Narragansett tribes were gathered and sold into slavery. Those who escaped fled from tribe to tribe as each in turn was destroyed”

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